Friday, August 25, 2006

It's Official! There is no crime in London!

That's the only explanation I can muster for a scene witnessed today on the Hungerford foot bridge over the Thames on my way to the Strand.

A little Chinese guy has had a pitch on the bridge for the last year selling little whistles that make a noise like birdsong for £2.50 a pop. He's tiny and takes up no space and is surely barely eking a living.

Today, two of the Met's finest were standing over him talking into their radios and preparing to arrest him. At first I was alarmed but then it occured to me that finally there is no crime left! All the drug dealers must have been locked up. All the sleeper cells found and disbanded. All the burglars reformed. Why else would the police commit valuable resources for the flimsiest of 'offences' - selling bird whistles without a license.

So my hearty congratulations, London bobbies. Well done lads and lasses and keep up the good work!


  1. Surely his problem is that we are not allowed to whistle at birds anymore. It's political correctness gone mad.

  2. Susan - you have been writing too many crime novels!

    May blog more Finn today but so far too busy in shop...
