Friday, February 13, 2009

Where is my mind?

No not my brain, that is there on the floor.

(I phone a woman to say her book has come in. A man answers. I give the "your book is in spiel" He says "She's just coming" Since my brain is on the floor I assume she has psychic powers and is already on her way in to collect the book. "Ok thanks" I say and hang up. Only then do I realise he meant she was on her way to the phone. I phone back.)

The new LRB arrives and there is an article titled Where Is My Mind in which a PHILOSOPHER (Sweeeet Bejaysus we are doomed) argues that his I-Phone is now a part of his mind. If this was in Wire I would scoff. But the LRB? These are folk that think. And worst of all read.

Meanwhile here are the Pixies - the first band I ever saw live...

*Please excuse the lame dog video and listen to the music*


  1. Pick your brain up, sir!

    James Bridle of Bookkake (who I wrote to via their lovely blog) sent me here. I live in the US but will be visiting London in mid March and wanted to look for great independent bookshops. He says I can find the Bookkake books at your shop. Yes? No? See you at Fulham Rd?

  2. Give us a heads up on at the start of March and I'll make sure we have the whole selection for you.

    Lower Marsh would be better...
