Thursday, June 26, 2008

Madeleines? Gone baby...these days it's all about the peas...

I just ate a curry (my third of the week!)

Is there anything more delightful than the unexpected pop of a pea in your mouth? There is? No there isn't!

I remember at school they served a dish called curry. It bore very little relationship to the beautiful minced lamb curry I just devoured but they shared one ingredient - peas. I loved the peas then too. The way they would be hidden amongst the mince and then - pop! Yum. I also used to love cheese pie. And the white sliced toast that had been sitting around in melted butter for half an hour. I used to fold the toast over and stuff it full of grated cheese. We used to have spam at school as well. I never ate spam anywhere else but at school we had it all the time. You could cut little shapes in it - make faces or whatever. Like the mash potatoes they had that you could make sculptures out of. It was heartbreaking to see the dinner ladies scaping my mash masterpieces into the slops bin...

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 26, 2008

    Oh, Marsh Ruby. I don't like curry and I still fantasise about that place...
