Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Banksy Moment...

Let me explain. When we opened the shop there was a Banksy on the side DESIGNATED PICNIC AREA and an arrow pointing to the ground where our fruit and veg bloke puts his dud stuff at the end of the afternoon.

We like Banksy. The shop is in Banksy Locations and Tours by Shellshock publications.

But when we first saw the book Wall and Piece we were confused. Banksy in a book? On the wall, that's fine, but in a book? That's kind of lame...

We chose not to stock it.

People asked for it.

We began to stock the odd copy, somewhat reluctantly.

We were asked for it a lot more.

We stocked more.

We began to sell tons.

We are idiots we thought - why didn't we stock loads from the start? We would have sold twice as many.

Now we have had another Banksy moment.

Last week we began to add rather funky bands to the books we had read recently - in a staff recommends kind of way.

We didn't do this at first.


We thought it was obvious that, since we were small, we would only stock books we liked and therefore everything in the shop was recommended - otherwise it wouldn't be there...

But that was stupid.

As soon as we started banding books they began to sell at double speed.

So, another Banksy moment.

You live and learn eh?


  1. As if to illustrate my point we just sold out of The Damned Utd by David Peace.

    It was banded...

  2. COUGH! (ahem!)

  3. C&P say

    "We thought it was obvious that, since we were small, we would only stock books we liked and therefore everything in the shop was recommended - otherwise it wouldn't be there..."

    But yesterday, when I was having a fine time browsing around the shop, I found a copy of a book by Jeremy Clarkson on one of the tables. Crazy Life!

  4. Customer must have put it there. Back in the day when I worked at C&P I used to keep Clarkson in self help.
