Friday, April 11, 2008

An ideal time to be opening a new bookshop

Or not.


  1. G2 on Wednesday: "Is this the World's finest bookshop?". It turned out not to be Crockatt and Powell Chelsea. Guess you were out of the running this year having not opened on time. Still this years winner looks quite impressive.,,2271875,00.html


  2. It's never a speedy process! The Barnes Bookshop supports you in a fraternal kinda way though...

  3. When do you start making noises about C+P Chelsea?
    I'm just one of miiillions who live on/off the F.R who can't wait for you to swoop down and save us...
    Are you leafleting everyone? It would be great to get a database together of local noisemakers who can spread the word...
    Here's to May whenever....

  4. We are excited about the new shop but marketing etc is not our forte...

    Despite this we have still managed to appear in Vogue, in three films (once filmed in the shop - Mike Leigh's Happy-Go-Lucky - twice external) been on TV several times (in the UK and Germany) had a page written about us in the Guardian been in Timeout a fair bit mentioned by Alan Bennett in the LRB one of London's Top 50 London websites...I could go on but...I won't...

    C & P Fulham Road is going to be great.

    May 9th.

  5. Hi Fishwife - did you see the post about singing the fishing a way back? You can still listen on the BBC radioplayer...

    Salutations to Barnes. Do you know the bookseller crow site? My fave bookselling blog.

  6. Damn, and we thought we were going to be the worlds's first online bookselling website (pause for smell of coffee). Cool website, am adding it to my list of People To Plagiarise...
