Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Cold called this morning. Usually I slam the phone down with a snarl but for some reson I listened for a few, deadly, seconds longer...

The blah was full of details about BT wholesale/retail rates and "recent changes in legislation" from which C & P could benefit.

The gist of it seemed to be - we can save you money, you don't have to do anything and there is no catch.

Of course when we got down to the nitty gritty it turned out there were just two problems.

1: We would have to pay a little more per month than we do at the moment. In return for this we would receive 3000 minutes of free calls. As I calmly pointed out to the gibbering idiot on the end of the phone this was not a very good deal.

2: We would have to pay by direct debit. I HATE direct debits. To my mind it is a way of companies taking money from you without you thinking about it. For a business I believe you have to think carefully ANY time you give anyone money be it a little or a lot. Otherwise you will get ripped off. That's the "market" for you.

So I wasted a few minutes of my time. Nothing much lost I suppose. The person who called is "going to have a word with her manager" to see if they can offer me a great money saving deal that does in fact save me money.

Modern life. Bloody rubbish!

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