Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It's Cold!


I love it when it's cold.

In the summer I find the least movement leaves me sweaty and exhausted. I turn into a kind of sloth.

Autumn, Winter - I love it.

The chill in the air over the last few days has led to my annual transformation. Suddenly I feel full of energy. I'm walking everywhere very fast again.

Hooray for Cold! You can keep your beaches and sun loungers. Give me a blast of windy rain in the face over a week of sunshine any time...


  1. It's such a relief! Having moved down from Edinburgh in January, this London weather just seems unnatural. As Swift once said: "may my enemies live here in July". Bring on the chillsome nights. As Billy Connolly's gillie once said: "there's no such thing as bad weather; only the wrong kind of clothes."

  2. July was terrible...

    With luck global warming will reverse the gulf stream and bring on a new ice age!
