Saturday, December 09, 2006


Brilliant stuff...First of all a lady comes in and sidles up to me.

"Do you know someone called Gabrielle?"

That's my mum's name.


"Oh well I go to the same hairdresser. He said he'd been to your shop and that it was great. Now I'm here to have a look and it is lovely."

That's the old gossip grapevine at work.

Then a couple with a Rough Trade bag come over and buy a pile of books. I love Rough Trade and launch into an anecdote about the time when...blah blah blah. As a shop Rough Trade has always been my idea of the "ideal" independent. I am rather over excited to find out folk that love Rough Trade like our shop too. It turns out they are readers of this blog come to visit. They don't even live in London!

That's the flash new internet/blogging grapevine for you.


  1. Howdy!

    Indeed the Rough Trade rabbiting couple were myself and Cloud down from Nottingham for the bloggers social meeting and making an effort to come and support our (non)local indie bookshop.

    Its what blog friends do! You are as we said in the conversation though, just great and its thrilling to see you making a success of the bookshop venture. Sorry to not have seen Marie (or effectively say who we were) but I got a fit of the wibbles about making a geeky announcement (partly because you may just have looked blank and said 'who?' and that would have been pretty shaming...!

  2. Hi's so weird (but really wonderful) the way the blog world works!

    I'll recognise you next time so there will be no escape from my wacky conversation...

  3. PS I am such a twat when it comes to the internet really.

    I said to Marie after she pointed out "the bloggers" in question had been you (she saw on your blog that you were looking for the shop in an easy cafe or something) - "Was that Lisa Rules? She doesn't look much like the picture on her blog" - not surprising as that's a pic of that girl from Buffy The Vampire Slayer...

    One of these days I will catch up with the rest of the world. Or maybe I just need to watch more TV?

    It was great to see you both anyway...
